Monday, December 8, 2008

Sketchfest Dec 2008 at Creative Scrappers

Well, I don't have a whole lot of time or a whole lot of energy right now so I am not going to put a lot of information in here tonight......I just wanted to get some of my pages posted since I have been AWOL for a while......I have more to post from different competitions, but this is a start.....I really love working on the sketches that the ladies put up for the Sketchfest.......Tons of fun!!!!

Now I'm off to put my boys to sleep so I can go to bed.......I was up until 430am writing a paper only to get up at 630am to go to class to turn it in!!!! I don't think I like procrastination anymore.....It's a lot harder now that I have kids than it was a few years ago when I was single, that is to stay up all night and then get up and do it all over I just can't do this anymore!

Have a great day at you guys later!!!!

1 comment:

thescrapmaster said...

MY oh MY! You have been so busy! No wonder that paper wasn't written until the last second :) Your pages are so gorgeous and so are your boys. Did you get your catalog yet?
